Thursday, June 2, 2016

5 Ways to Identify Bad Company Part 2

When your goal is to get rooted and grounded in Christ, it's important to be mindful of who you're allowing to influence your life. If you're not strong in your knowledge of God's ways then spending too much time in bad company can hinder and even revert your spiritual growth. This video will help you recognize and avoid some very common spiritual growth setbacks.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Revelation- Why should we pray for our Enemies?

Have you been struggling with ENEMY problems?  People who have done you wrong who keep resurfacing in your life to either play the blame game or go another round with you?  Have you tried repeatedly to find the truth, find the solutions, or just find PEACE as it concerns these people, but all to no avail?

So you turn to God and ask, "Why?"  Why do my enemies exist, and why are they bothering me? Is it not enough that they have reaked havoc on my life, and I have kindly let it go?
Do you feel like you just want to move on, but every time you turn around, here they come again to bring nothing but more of what you don't want?

Well here's the Revelation that God gave me:
What if your enemies  could be changed by your prayers?
 What if the people in your life who have caused you the most misery and grief could be transformed into some of the best people you have ever  known,  if you would just decide to make it your personal duty and assignment to pray to God for their healing, deliverance, and their awakening?
 What if you would decide to change the way you view  your first hand knowledge and experience with their treachery, from being an offense, to being a source of intricate knowledge of what they need to be delivered from?
 What if you would choose to care so much about the deliverance of their souls from evil, that you vowed to pray for them until God had mercy, and gave them eyes to see the error of their ways and see how their behavior has affected anyone who they have wronged?
What if you really believed that through your diligent prayers for that person, the day would soon come when that person’s heart would soften and they could empathetically feel the pain they have caused, and mentally and emotionally perceive the disappointment that they have inflicted on others. What if your prayers for their deliverance could cause them them to ache for God’s forgiveness and they would consider it the very least they could do to come to you and others they have wronged and offer a sincere and heartfelt apology?  Not an excuse, but a genuine and undeniable apology.
What if after all of that, they would go out of their way to continuously strive to show you amazing love to make up for the past. What if they put forth so much effort towards redemption that you’d be overwhelmed by their goodness and overflowing with gladness to even know them and be in their presence? What if they seemed completely determined to become your kindest and dearest friend?
Wouldn't all of that be amazing? Wouldn't it be a sight to see and a joy to experience?
What if God could and would transform every person on your Enemies List to that kind of person, if you would commit to diligently praying for them until He does, Would you do it?
Would you do it everyday until you saw it happen?
We’ve always been taught to pray for our enemies, but we’ve never been taught to visualize what they could be like if we did pray for them, and if God did answer our prayers.
Thank God for this revelation!
Today I have hope that everyone who I consider my enemy on today will soon become some of the best people I know, and I will love them dearly because they will be so easy to love.
 I will find it beyond easy to forgive and forget all of their evil towards me because they are going to be so good to me, that it will be hard for me to remember the bad.
Today is the day I prove God’s Amazing power to change people,  by diligently praying for Him to change my enemies.
Watch how all the people who hate me now, will love me soon.
If you are a Christian reading this and you believe in God’s Amazing power, I urge you to make your enemies list too, then vow to fervently pray for each of them until they become your best friend and your greatest advocate. Let’s put God’s power to work for good,  In Jesus’ name….. Amen!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

5 ways to identify bad company! Part 1

When your goal is to get rooted and grounded in Christ, it's important to be mindful of who you're allowing to influence your life. If you're not strong in your knowledge of God's ways then spending too much time in bad company can hinder and even revert your spiritual growth. This video will help you recognize and avoid some very common spiritual growth setbacks.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Women you have Two options:
Let God use you for His purpose or let Satan use you for his perversion. Satan wants to make you his:
gossip spreader
his backstabber
his homewrecker
his baby murderer
his dream killer
his gold digger
his lust bunny
his hard lesbian
his marriage hater
his out of order husband basher
his social media sin-life spokesperson
his timid mouse
his obnoxious idiot
his uneducated dummy
his unexposed recluse
his rude rebel
his rejected quitter
his lonely outcast
His satanic witch
His violent female dog
His perverted prostitute
His bitter God hater
His low life deceiver
His lukewarm hypocrite 
His hardhearted liar
His lazy freeloader
His ungrateful complainer
His self entitled glory seeker
His anti christian heretic
None of these things is God's will for your life.

God on the other hand wants to make you:
clean and whole
Saved by His grace
Delivered from evil
Washed in His word
Drenched in His love
Called to His Kingdom
Set aside for His purpose
Guarded by His Angels
Blessed by His grace
Washed in the blood of the Lamb
Suited to meet Him face to face!

God won't use you until you make the choice to turn to Him for guidance and openly declare and make it clear that Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord over your life. Not you, not any other god or any worldly idol.
Without that declaration and heart felt commitment, God won't use you, cover you, or protect you as His own.
If you are blatantly and repeatedly unfaithful and unrepentant, then you are a liar and His spirit is not in you, and you will be cast out and rejected.
But if you are sincere and you love God, you will seek after Him, you will learn His ways, and you will continuously strive to glorify Him with your life!

Join me here for Bible Study so you can grow closer to God!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Ministry is Not a Competition, It's an Assignment!

I recently had an encounter that made it clear that some people who want to minister for God are sharing His words, but they are not representing the spirit of God. They treat ministry like it's a competition and it's not.They see other ministers as a threat to those they are sharing their ministry with because they feel a possession to God's people. They operate as if Christ' disciples are in a contest to be more holy than each other rather than on a mission to minister Christ to the lost.
I understand though, because I know that when we get saved we don't gain complete understanding of God overnight. We come into the kingdom of God with leftover bad habits and mindsets that are taught to us by an ungodly world, which operates in a completely different way than God does. That is why we have to constantly be deprogrammed of our old ways and be transformed to become more like Christ by having our minds renewed with the word of God.

When you are tempted to compete in ministry, just remember that this world can never get enough Godly people using their lives to minister the love of Jesus Christ to others.
Jesus himself said that the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. When I see another man or woman who loves God, I don't see my competitor. The kingdom of God isn't corporate America or world commerce. When I see a Christian ministering, I see a fellow soldier in God's army. I want to encourage that person and send them love because I know they are working the territory assigned to them by God as I am working mine.
I'm never threatened that anyone will steal my glory, because this is not my mission, it's God's mission and all glory belongs to God, not to me.
No one can steal your audience or those who listen to your ministry because God has placed us all where He wants us to serve, and He has designated the specific people He has for each of us to minister to.
We all should just continuously pray to God to be in place for the ones He has assigned us to minister to